
عرض المشاركات من سبتمبر 29, 2010

Learn about lymphoma cancer

About half of all cancers of the blood fall into the category of lymphoma. This is a malignant neoplastic disease of the lymphatic cells of the body, which are a major portion of the body's immune system. Leucaemia, another leukaemia system which can appear in lymphatic cells, is related, but distinct from lymphoma in a few ways. Cancer of the blood is really a reach of upsets that broadly outcome either the circling blood cells or the bone marrow where they are developed. It ensues in an overrun of blood cells or the product of jail cells that are malformed. Lymphoma is different. It commonly appears as a tumour, an expansion or agglomeration of cells that takes on a solid masse shot. These tumours may develop diversely, but the lymph nodes are a common internet site. As noted in front, lymphoma tumours may develop diversely, heading to a jolly perplexing system of categorisation for the disease. In the main, even so, there are two types : Hodgkin's lymphoma and non-Hodgkin...

Pomegranate Juice - is the New Health Food0

In recent years, health food enthusiasts having been singing the praises of pomegranate juice , and for good reasons. Pomegranate juice is made from the pomegranate, a fruit, that is used in cooking as well as enjoyed as a refreshing drink. Early evidence is emerging that suggests that drinking pomegranate juice can lower the cholesterol levels in the body. Granted, the number of studies done so far have been few, but considering what is known today, this healthy juice can provide us with several benefits that can optimize our health. The pomegranate itself is a round shaped fruit that is about the same size of a large orange. The rind is smooth and reddish-pink?on the inside are hundreds of seeds in a juicy red pulp. Pure pomegranate juice contains antioxidants-mainly polyphenols. Pomegranate juice actually contains much higher amounts of polyphenols compared to other citrus juices and in fact, it contains three times the amount of ant...